Author: Nyapidi Arnold

Kenyan President William Ruto has said the Kenyan government is taking necessary measures to reduce hunger, fight poverty, and improve the health of Kenyans. The President stated that maintaining enough food supply to feed the nation’s population and growing the most significant value chain in our economy depends on investments in agriculture. “Agriculture’s direct contributions to our GDP is 25 percent, while its indirect support to other economic pillars, such as manufacturing, boosts the GDP by a further 27 percent,” President Ruto said. President William Ruto made the remarks on Saturday June 1, 2024 while officiating the country’s marking this…

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The Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) has inaugurated the Kampala Smart City Village Ambassadors Forum, a project to help convert Kampala into a modern, efficient metropolis. The Kampala Smart City Ambassadors are volunteers and patriotic community members from Kampala’s five divisions: Kawempe, Rubaga, Makindye, Nakawa, and Central Division. These ambassadors represent an innovative approach to urban administration, emphasizing grassroots participation and shared responsibility to ensure quality services throughout the city. The launch event, which had as its theme “Promoting the Smart City Agenda for Effective Service Delivery,” was held on Saturday June 1, 2024 at Kitante Primary School and represented…

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A total of 37 Uganda Police Force officers and 10 from the Uganda Prisons Service have completed a six-month Basic Dog Handling and Care Course (K9 training program) aimed to enhance the operational capabilities of both forces in various critical areas of law enforcement. These skills are vital for addressing a range of criminal activities and ensuring public safety. The graduation ceremony held on Thursday May 30,2024 was presided over by SCP Anne Tusiime, Deputy Director of Human Resource Development at K9 Unit headquarters in Nsambya. In her address, she urged the officers to leverage their newly acquired skills to…

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KAMPALA: The Greater Kampala Metropolitan Area Urban Development Programme (GMKA-UDP) has launched a project that will transform Kampala roads, and drainage systems, then boost jobs. The UGX 2.1 trillion GMKA-UDP, which has the support of the Ugandan government, aims to transform Kampala’s infrastructure environment by promoting modernization, resilience, and inclusivity. The Greater Kampala Metropolitan Area Urban Development Programme GMKA-UDP includes not only Kampala, but also Entebbe, Kira, Makindye-Ssabagabo, Mukono, Nansana, and the Mukono, Mpigi, and Wakiso districts. This programe focuses on areas which include improving mobility and accessibility through road networtks, increasing urban resilience through drainage infrastructure, encouraging job creation…

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KAMPALA: The Uganda Police Force has cautioned members of the public against attacking and assaulting police officers, which is unacceptable and contrary to the law. Fred Enanga, the Police Spokesperson said that they have recorded here have recorded multiple cases of willful resistance, obstruction, attacks and assaults, against police officers on lawful duty recently. “Last week, the police encountered two incidents of violence against its officers in the course of their lawful duties in Ayivu East Division and Kakumiro respectively. Unfortunately, two lives were lost during the violent attacks against police officers,” said Enanga on behalf of Uganda Police Force.…

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KAMPALA: Makerere University has protested the Government’s decision to implement Shs25.9Bn budget cuts on the institution’s budget, which is likely to affect the quality of services the University will offer in 2024/25. Makerere University was given Shs372.186 billion in 2023/24, but the budget is likely to shrink to Shs353.99 billion in 2024/25, with wages costing Shs208.970 billion, non-wage She129.642 billion, and development budgeting Shs15.372 billion. A team of Makerere University officials led by the University Secretary, Yusuf Kiranda on Wednesday, May 8, 2024 held a meeting with the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) of Parliament to respond to their inquiries in…

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KAMPALA: Kampala City has launched a deliberate effort to address its air quality challenges as it commemorates Air Quality Awareness Week under the theme “I Pledge.” The project attempts to encourage organizations and individuals to take action to reverse the city’s worrisome trend of air pollution.  During the official unveiling at Media Centre on Monday, May 6, 2024, Engineer David Luyimbazi, Deputy Executive Director of the Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA), who represented the organization underscored the KCCA’s focus on raising awareness about air quality issues and pushing people to take action to fix them. As a rapidly growing city,…

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The Chief Justice (CJ), Justice Alfonse Chigamoy Owiny Dollo has said he is ready to forgive any judicial officer for anything but not one who engages him/herself in what he described as the cancerous vice of corruption. “…you may fail on anything else but maintain the integrity. I will forgive you for everything else but corruption, No!  It goes against the very cracks of your purpose of being a Judicial Officer,” the Chief Justice said.   The Chief Justice Owiny Dollo said this on Saturday May 4, 2024 while officiating at the Annual General Meeting and election of new leaders for…

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Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA) has informed road users that, Karuma Bridge will be closed to all lorries, trailers, and buses from Monday 06th May 2024. Following the ongoing condition assessment of the Karuma Bridge, UNRA learned that some elements of the bridge structure (the concrete deck) have deteriorated particularly on the Kampala approach lane. In a statement released on Friday, May 3, 2024, UNRA announced that only passenger vehicles carrying up to 28 passengers will be allowed to use the bridge. “UNRA has commenced the process of identifying a competent contractor who will undertake the restoration of the bridge…

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DAR es SALAAM: The Tanzania Meteorological Authority (TMA) has advised caution because Cyclone Hidaya is predicted to linger until May 6, 2024, at which point it is expected to weaken.  Tanzania’s Eastern coast is being monitored for Cyclone “Hidaya,” according to a TMA statement released on Friday, May 3, 2024. The statement also noted that the cyclone is still getting stronger as it approaches the area. “By 9:00 am on Friday, it had further strengthened and reached the status of a full-fledged cyclone, approximately 401 kilometers East of the coast of Mtwara,” part of the statement read. Additionally, according to…

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