Author: The Daily Wolf

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Galaxy tv’s emcee Burnross Emcee is another Ugandan that has decided to attempt the Guinness World Record of the Longest Rap Marathon by an Individual. In this attempt, he is trying to break the already confirmed and exisiting record of 48 hours set by Japan’s Poney last year 2023. It should however be known that, Burnross is following a one Kabubi Akram aka Zedmonk Ssabatontomi who recently attempted to break this same rap marathon by an individual record. And in his quest, he rapped for 75 hours and is awaiting confirmation from Guinness World Records. Now for Burnross Emcee he…

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KAMPALA: Lots of people at Jinja City’s Masese Landing Site residents have been forced to relocate due to the rising water levels in Lake Victoria. The owners of numerous homes and kiosks that were used as stores had to evacuate since they were swamped. Many people in the neighborhood are afraid that hard times are coming and there seems to be no plan in place for them. “We last registered this kind of rise in water levels at Masese in 1997 but it didn’t reach this level,” said Bumaali Kidoma a local member of the affected community. According to the…

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With effect from May 1, 2024, MultiChoice Uganda will be upgrading the technology of DStv decoders in Uganda as part of this effort. This update intends to improve the delivery format for Ugandan local channels and bring it into compliance with international standards. Consequently, the updated technology will not work with some previous decoder models. This update will affect customers who own the decoder models DSD 1110, DSD 1131, and DSD 1132, which were produced between 2009 and 2013. MultiChoice Uganda customers who are impacted are urged to switch to appropriate decoder devices so they can keep watching their preferred…

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KAMPALA: Hon Rebecca Alitwala Kadaga the minister of East African affairs in Uganda has warned neighboring country DR Congo about their failure to honor the Visa agreement with Uganda. In October 2023, Uganda and DR Congo signed an agreement. The purpose of this agreement was to remove fees for nationals of both countries while entering each other’s territory. After the signing of this agreement, Dr Peter Mathuki the secretary general of the East African community praised it saying that it was going to foster development in many ways. Where people are allowed to move freely across national borders, trade volumes…

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KAMPALA: A startling discovery has indicated how the Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife, and Antiquities’ Miss Tourism Uganda project was allegedly involved in corruption and poor administration. This is despite its original goal of promoting domestic travel. Apparently, the late Hon. Maria Mutagamba, the then state minister, supported the idea when it was resurrected in 2013 by Moses Zikusooka. However, things took a bad turn when it was claimed that the minister used her position to support her own wanted version of Miss Tourism Uganda. A source, who wished to preferred to remain unknown, claims that Moses Zikusooka’s 2013 rebirth of…

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DAR es SALAAM: Five hydroelectric power stations have been shut down in Tanzania by TANESCO to curb down on the excess electricity on the national grid. This was revealed by the country’s Prime Minister, Kassim Majaliwa. Additionally, he said that the country’s major power plant, Mwalimu Nyerere Hydroelectric Station alone has produced enough electricity to support some of the major cities such as the nation’s main economic hub, Dar-es-Salaam. “We have turned off all these stations because the demand is low and the electricity production is too much, we have no allocation now” an official from the state-run power company, Tanesco,…

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NAIROBI: It is a great time for Charlene Ruto, who is also Kenya’s First Daughter and Uganda’s Dr. Nixon Kitimoi after the two have been named among the 100 Most Influential Young Africans 2024. This happened at an event last Saturday in Accra, Ghana. Charlene Ruto is  is also a Youth Leader, a Member of the Dear Community that signs in KSL, Pan Africanist, farmer and above all, a great inspiration to her fellow young Africans through her philanthropy work and other engagements as a First Daughter. On the other hand, Dr. Nixon Kitimoi is the Founder and Chief Investment…

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Different types of insurance have become a common thing in Uganda of late and among these is medical insurance. Nowadays, medical insurance is no longer confined to only the corporate world but to all those who can meet the criteria outlined by different insurance policies. However, it seems all that glitters is not gold, especially from what these medical insurance packages always entail. Taking to social media, journalist Gabriel Buule opened up a can of worms about these various medical insurances. Shockingly his followers seemed to agree with his opinion from their own firsthand experience. According to Buule, he was…

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KAMPALA: A section of Kampala-Masaka highway between Busega and Kyengera sunk in due to heavy rains hence pouring the water into the road. This same thing happened just a few months back when the same road section caved in December 2023. The Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA) spokesperson, Allan Ssempebwa said that they were mobilizing materials and all the necessary equipment to clear the situation as soon as they could. “We are experiencing a failure at the section of the highway as the drainage system collapsed, what we are doing right now is mobilizing materials and other necessary equipment to…

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KAMPALA: Buganda Kingdom in partnership with The Joint United Nations Program (UNAIDS) came out with an idea of organizing football and netball tournaments with the major strategy of fighting HIV/AIDS in the youths since 1974 up to date. Buganda is making up 50 years in this program and indeed they have taken a step onto achieving their cause as Fifty Six Clans that make up Buganda Kingdom all got engaged in the football and Netball tournaments. In support with Majestic Brands, St Lawrence University and The Joint United Nations Program adhere youths to protect them selves from HIV/AIDS and also…

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